[. . . ] DISCOVER THE MOVEMENTTM. . . and you will exercise for the right reasons. Whether you want to perform better in sports, feel better in everyday life, or improve the way your body looks and moves - The BOSU® Balance Trainer will get you there!This revolutionary device is literally changing the face of fitness training. Already in use by the world's best athletes from virtually every sport, the BOSU® Balance Trainer can make the difference for YOU! [. . . ] Slowly bend one leg, then reach back with the opposite arm and touch the heel of the bent leg (See Fig. 24 IMPORTANT SAFETY TIPS WARNING -- You and others can be seriously injured or killed if warnings in this user's manual and the video are not followed. Fig. 25 BEFORE STARTING THIS OR ANY OTHER EXERCISE PROGRAM, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. Your physician can help you determine if you have any physical limitations that could create a health risk or prevent you from properly using this equipment. Certain exercises, programs or types of equipment may not be appropriate for all people, especially if you are over age 35 or have pre-existing health or orthopedic conditions, or balance impairments. 20 5 OPPOSITE ARM/LEG RAISE THE BALANCE TRAINER IS NOT A TOY. Children must be supervised by an adult familiar with the proper use of this product. The BOSU® Workout is designed so that you can begin with the easiest variation of each exercise and progress to more difficult variations when you are ready. Stop exercising immediately and consult your doctor if you experience pain or tightness in your chest, irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, or if you feel faint, nauseous or dizzy. FOLLOW THE EXERCISE TECHNIQUE GUIDELINES IN THIS MANUAL AND THE ACCOMPANYING VIDEO. Correct exercise technique will help you get the results you want and keep you exercising safely. DO NOT use your BOSU® Balance Trainer until you have read this manual completely. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ADEQUATE SPACE AROUND YOU DURING A BOSU® WORKOUT. You should have enough space to lie in a face up, face down or side-lying position on top of the dome, and to be able to step off safely in any direction. MAKE SURE that if you lost your balance and fell you would not hit any nearby objects. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY, use a mat or exercise pad on wood or other hard surfaces. IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE LOSING YOUR BALANCE AT ANY TIME WHILE STANDING ON THE DOME, SIMPLY STEP OFF OF THE BOSU® SAFELY TO THE FLOOR. Not unlike a wet basketball floor, sweat will make the dome surface of the BOSU® slippery. A dry BOSU® provides for a safer and more effective training environment. It is recommended that athletic footwear be worn during BOSU® workouts. For some exercises, you may be instructed to exercise in your bare feet. 22 WITH KNEE PULL BOSU® PERFORM 6 TO 10 REPETITIONS ON EACH SIDE. The goal of this exercise is to challenge lower back strength, as well as upper body and core stabilization. Kneel with one knee centered directly on top of the dome and the hands placed on the floor in front of the platform. [. . . ] · Record your progress by using the handy chart provided at the end of this booklet. If you meet your goals each week, reward yourself with something healthy that recognizes each milestone along the way to better health and fitness. If you get off schedule, or don't achieve the goals you set for yourself, don't stress about it ­ just get back on track!Review your program to make sure your goals are realistic, and make any adjustments you think are needed. Fig. [. . . ]